

Via San Zili 50/A – 33051 Aquileia (UD)
Tel. +39 0431 91407
For booking: Francesco Tarlao


Via Ca’ Bolani, 2 – 33051 CERVIGNANO DEL FRIULI (UD)
Tel. 0039 0431 32670
Fax 0039 0431 34901
For booking: Valentina Casula +39 0431 32670


Via Nazionale, 34 – 33050 Fiumicello (UD)
Tel. +39 335 6373133
Fax +39 0431 96194
For booking: Roberto Folla +39 3356373133


Via Trieste, 5/A – 33059 Villa Vicentina (UD)
Tel. +39 0431 970395
Fax +39 0431 967295
For booking: Ufficio commerciale


Via Beligna, 30/D – 33051 Aquileia (UD)
Tel. +39 340 0049333 / +39 335 5250582
For booking: +39 340 0049333 / +39 335 5250582


Via San Zili, 14 – 33051 AQUILEIA (UD)
Tel. +39 333 8632648 / +39 338 5648301
For booking: +39 3385648301

Basilica of Santa Eufemia

The Basilica of Santa Eufemia, characterized by early Christian buildings, stands in the splendid setting of Campo dei Patriarchi in the “old town” in Grado.

Nearby you will also find the fifteenth-century bell tower characterized by the Anzolo San Michele which represents the symbol of Grado; the Baptistery; the Lapidary e the Basilica of Santa Maria della Grazie, the oldest in all the town.

The origins of the basilica are very ancient. In fact, from the fourth century there was already the “small basilica of Petrus“, on which Niceta laid the foundations for a new church in the early fifth century.

The new building, however, was completed in 579 by the bishop Elia who now resided permanently in Grado. Elia dedicated the basilica to the Aquileian protomartyrs Ermacora, Fortunato and Eufemia (martyr of Chalcedon), in such a way as to reaffirm the full fidelity of the Church of Aquileia to the anti-Arian resolutions of the Council of Chalcedon.

The interior of the basilica is structured in three naves on columns with capitals that support the arches.

In the apse basin you will find a large fresco depicting Christ in an almond, surrounded by the symbols of the Evangelists, the Madonna, Santa Ermacora, San Giovanni Battista and San Fortunato.

Above the altar it will not be difficult for you to identify the gilded silver altarpiece, a masterpiece of the Venetian goldsmith’s art, Donato Mazzalorsa.
You will be fascinated by the 11th century pulpit, supported by six columns with foliated capitals covered with reliefs depicting the symbols of the Evangelists and a cross. The pulpit is also covered with a Moorish-style dome on inflected trefoil arches (most likely an addition from the Gothic period).

n the left aisle you can appreciate the “trichora“, a cell similar in shape to the chapel of San Marco, while in the right aisle the mausoleum that preserves original parts such as the brick vault and the mosaic, in which the monogram of Elia stands out (HELIAS EPISCOPUS) . The safe that holds the treasure of the Cathedral is walled up on the wall.

Thanks to the restorations made over the years, you too can travel the journey of the catechumens through the floor mosaics, where there is also a mosaic representing the “Castrum of Grado”

The floor of the Cathedral is very similar to the Byzantine stylistic canons (schematic and geometric), the most famous motif is that of the underwater wave. The mosaics also have a significant value, proven by the approximately 40 epigraphs they commemorate, the name of those who contributed to the expenses for the realization.

Basilica of Santa Eufemia
Campo Patriarca Elia
34073 Grado (GO)
Tel.: +39 0431 80146
Fax: +39 0431 80146
[email protected]

Opening Time
Winter: from Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sommer: from Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Free Entrance

Beach - Hotel Stella Maris Grado


Almost three kilometres long, Grado’s main beach, facing completely SOUTH, sun-kissed throughout the day, offers various differently equipped areas to please all guests. From the most exclusive area to the sports area, from the area for mothers and children to the free area, each sector offers special and special services to the customer.

The sandy shore is embraced by a green, inviting, refreshing backshore; a clean sea that can boast the Fee Blue Flag since 1989 as a guarantee of the purity of the water and the high quality of the services. Softly sloping seabed for relaxation and safety for the whole family. A staff of lifeguards in the sea and on the beach guarantee care and certify safety. Cabins and umbrellas are arranged practically all along the beach.

Children’s games, large areas dedicated to entertainment, cultural encounters, games, a reading point for national and international newspapers, a bar, and cold tables are located in the most strategic areas to satisfy all tastes. Room temperature and solar hot water showers, toilets and various play areas are available almost everywhere. The Git beach can boast a special area dedicated to dogs called Lido di Fido.

Hotel Stella Maris Grado

Grado, the sea and the nature

In Grado everyday the sea and the nature give you different choices.

The richness of the sea, water’s element low in mineral content, the sand, the climate and its splendid lagoon, made it, with the time, to one of the most famous destination for bathing a thermal cures. One vacation to the standard of the quality of the life. Choose Grado to relax and to enjoy! A throb in the water’s sea or in the green of the city.

Aquileia - Hotel Stella Maris Grado


Do you want to move into history and culture?
Grado is the isle you need: the ancient Basilica, the roman mosaics.
Not so far from Grado is situated Aquileia: one of the most important cities of the Roman Empire.

Lagoon - Hotel Stella Maris Grado


Behind the roman historical centre there is the Grado’s lagoon with its unblemished nature and its unchangeable fascination.
To appreciate are the Water sports, the typical gastronomy and the fisherman’s traditions.
In Grado the sea is an emotion to 306°.